Early Help animation in Polish recorded
The Early Help Partnership would like to thank Magdalena for recording our new Early Help animation in Polish in order to make our message accessible to more children, young people and families across Nottingham City. Magdalena has worked as a Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) for the last four years based in Sneinton. She responds to all incidents and provides translation services, Polish to English to Polish, as required in her job.
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Reading Rucksacks
Fun reading sessions at Broxtowe Family Hub for children aged 2-5 years, starting on Thursday 10th October,1-3pm for 6 weeks.
Groups for women - Central Women’s Aid
Friendly and supportive groups to explore and learn about domestic abuse, explore healthy relationships and find out about healthy Vs unhealthy conflict.
Skills Share -Working 4 Lone Parents
FareShare Midlands are offering local sessions to provide information and support for lone parents considering returning to work or wanting to work more hours but feeling unsure.