Thanks to Liz from Nottinghamshire Deaf Society
The Nottingham City Early Help Partnership would like to express our sincere thanks to Liz from Nottinghamshire Deaf Society for making Early Help accessible to deaf people.
One of the British Sign Language Interpretors from Nottinghamshire Deaf Society, Liz, has done a fantastic job making our new Early Help animation and Easy Read Strategy accessible to deaf people. She provided British Sign Language interpretation to both of these videos and even took the video to Canada while on holiday, making Early Help Nottingham international!
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Reading Rucksacks
Fun reading sessions at Broxtowe Family Hub for children aged 2-5 years, starting on Thursday 10th October,1-3pm for 6 weeks.
Groups for women - Central Women’s Aid
Friendly and supportive groups to explore and learn about domestic abuse, explore healthy relationships and find out about healthy Vs unhealthy conflict.
Skills Share -Working 4 Lone Parents
FareShare Midlands are offering local sessions to provide information and support for lone parents considering returning to work or wanting to work more hours but feeling unsure.