TLC Club – Employability for young people
TLC Club – Employability Support for young people aged 16-25 years
Do you want help to get into education, training or employment? We provide weekly sessions to help you create the future you want.
This provision is open to any young person who lives in Nottingham City and now Broxtowe Borough area. We are accepting referrals and running over the summer holidays.
Our weekly sessions are designed to build the confidence and skills for young people who are socially isolated, lacking confidence or disillusioned with their future, but want to get into education, training or employment.
We work with young people either on a 121 basis or in small groups, helping them create the future they want.
We cover a variety of topics and skills:
· Emotional wellbeing and resilience
· Coping skills
· Job search
· Budgeting skills
Activities such as organic gardening and growing your own vegetables to sporting activities including basketball and football.
Sessions take place on Thursday afternoons, 2-6pm.
We provide free food and support the young people to get to sessions.
We take referrals on a rolling basis, and they can be made at any time. To make a referral, please send an email with your contact details, details of the young person and their contact details.
E-mail: [email protected]
mobile: 07921 800573
WhatsApp: 07858 427162
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