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Attendance Resources for Schools and Professionals

Attendance Resources for Schools and Professionals

The Department for Education and other agencies have published a number of effective practice resources to support schools in managing attendance. These include:

The latest attendance guidance which sets out expectations for schools, trusts and local authorities. 
Working together to improve school attendance

A number of webinars focussed on effective attendance practice for schools, trusts and local authorities. 
Improving attendance: good practice for schools and multi-academy trusts - Case study

An attendance data dashboard showing data at a national, regional and local authority level which is updated on a fortnightly basis. 
Pupil attendance and absence in schools in England

Guidance from the National Health Service about where illness might affect a pupil’s attendance at school. 
Is my child too ill for school?

Supplementary guidance for schools and local authorities related to mental health and attendance. 
Mental health issues affecting a pupil's attendance: guidance for schools

A rapid evidence review of attendance interventions from the Education Endowment Foundation website. 
Attendance interventions rapid evidence assessment

A number of written case studies where schools share their techniques for managing attendance, using text messages to remind parents of their child’s attendance, and working with the community to tackle the root causes of absence. 
Texting parents: our key to success in tackling absence

How to improve your child's attendance and where to get support from The Education Hub
How to improve your child's attendance

School Attendance Toolkit: A toolkit to help schools tackle persistent absence from School Home Support
School Attendance Toolkit

Moments Matter, Attendance Counts: Attendance communications toolkit for schools
Attendance Communications Toolkit

Arranging education for children who cannot attend school because of health needs 

Children commissioners guide for Attendance Officers

Gypsy, Roma and travellers report

Learning from the first year of the attendance adviser programme

Providing remote education: non-statutory guidance for schools

Summary table of responsibilities for school attendance: statutory guidance for maintained schools, academies, independent schools, and local authorities

Nottingham City Council have wrtten a number of documents to support schools in managing attendance. These include:

A graduated, partnership approach to improving attendance

Allocated Education Welfare Officers for schools

Attendance improvement plan

Challenging attendance tool

Attendance management presentation

Legal Documents

Education Welfare and EOTAS Service enforcement policy

The national framework for penalty notices for school absence and EWS working practice

Nottingham City Council code of conduct in relation to penalty notices

Nottingham City Council penalty notice guidance

Nottingham City Council Unauthorised Absence Template Letters

Letter 1

Letter 2

Letter 3

Letter 4

Unauthorised leave letter 1

Unauthorised leave letter 2

Registration Codes

Attendance codes descriptions, 2024

Attendance codes table, 2024

Schools Service Offer and Training

School service offer, 2024-25

Termly briefings and clusters

Online training links













Transitional Safeguarding

View several attendance webinars from the official channel of the Department for Education.

The Senior Attendance Champion role: school senior lead for attendance

School Attendance Register: Attendance and Absence Codes

Working together to improve school attendance: sharing LA best practice

Data Returns: sharing attendance information with local authorities and others

Effective Targeting Support Meetings between school and LA

National framework for penalty notices for school absence overview

School admission register: deletion from the school roll
