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ADHD and Autism Support 0-18

ADHD and Autism Support 0-18


Autism is a condition that affects the way a child/young person may experience the world around them. Each child/young person with Autism is different, and they might have challenges relating to: how they interact with others, regulating their emotions, over or under sensitivity to light, sound, taste or touch and difficulty coping with change. They also may have strengths relating to: their high ability to focus on specific interests, leading them to become experts in this area. There are many more strengths and difficulties that could be present in the life of an autistic child/young person. For more information, please read the 'Autism and ADHD national and local support' resource at the bottom of the page. 


ADHD is a condition that affects the way children/young people may behave and learn. The symptoms may range from person to person, but many children/young people with ADHD have challenges in the following areas. These areas are: Concentration and focus, Hyperactivity and impulsiveness. Children/young people with ADHD can also have many strengths, for example, being able to hyper focus and work hard in areas that they are passionate about. For more information, please read the 'Autism and ADHD national and local support' resource at the bottom of the page.


The Behavioural and Emotional Health (BEH) Team

The Behavioural and Emotional Health Team is part of the Neurodevelopmental pathway (Nottingham City GP's). We support children/young people and their families through the assessment process and also post diagnosis, where there are concerns relating to Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

The BEH Team also offer support clinics to parents and carers who may be considering if a referral for a neurodevelopmental assessment is appropriate for their child, or they currently have an open referral to the team.

The clinic can provide an opportunity and safe place for the parent/carer to discuss any concerns they have, and the team will be able to provide advice, support and guidance on if a referral to the pathway is appropriate or signpost to relevant services.

Parents/carers can contact the team to discuss further and arrange a suitable appointment.

Self referral to the Behavioural and Emotional Health Team

Autism and ADHD national and local support

There are lots of services nationally and locally that provide support for families. This document is a guide for families that wish to access support whether your child has a diagnosis of Autism and ADHD or not.

For Queries:

mail to: [email protected]

tel: 01158761716

For referrals:

Post to: 

Behavioural and Emotional Health Team
Directorate of Children’s Integrated Services
Nottingham City Council
Loxley House
Station Street

mail to: [email protected]
