Substance use new service
Substance use new service launched
Substance use can cause significant harm, not only to the user but to family, friends and loved ones as well. It can lead to more people having other health-related conditions, and increase the chances of hospital admissions and debt.
I’m really pleased that we have teamed up with specialist substance use, recovery and treatment providers the Nottingham Recovery Network and Change, Grow, Live to offer support to people in Nottingham.
Framework Housing Association, on behalf of the Nottingham Recovery Network (NRN), will work with a number of key organisations, including Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Double Impact and Al Hurraya to deliver adult community-based treatment and recovery services at sites across the city for people who use alcohol and drugs.
Change, Grow, Live will deliver a community prevention, support and treatment service for young people and young adults, with a new focus on those aged between 18 and 25 who use alcohol and drugs.
The new services, which started on the 1 October, will be available to everybody impacted by substance use who lives in Nottingham.
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